woensdag 27 maart 2013

Day 21, 22, 23 & 24.

I haven't done this 30 day song challenge thingy in a couple of days.. Ok I admit it has been 2 weeks or so. My own laptop crashed so now I'm using the "family laptop". I had the song challenge all written out on my own laptop so I don't remember what songs I chose. Sometimes there are a lot of songs that I could use. Err I'm going to do 4 days in 1 today. Prepare. Ready? No? Fuck you then.

Day 21: A song that you listen to when you’re happy

Like I said, I could use a lot of songs for some days. This is one of those "days". But this is a song that makes me really happy right now. Whenever I listen to it I just cheer up. It's not even the lyrics, just the voice and the way it sounds all together. I hope it makes you happy too. If you're having a shit day; cheer the fuck up and listen to this; 

Day 22: A song that you listen to when you’re sad

I listen to this song when I'm sad because it's a sad song. Sometimes you're so sad you don't even want to be cheered up or something.. you just want to be sad and cry. This song is beautiful. It's about leaving. Someone's leaving you and you don't really want that to happen. The 17th of March I was at a concert of this band and they played this live, but the singer changed it.. It was now about leaving as in dying.. Which made it even more real for me. I listen to this song when I miss my great-grandfather. Sometimes I have my moments of missing him really really badly and hearing this song live with the changed lyrics was quite hard.. yet really nice.

Day 23: A song that you want to play at your wedding
I don't really want to get married bye.

Day 24: A song that you want to play at your funeral

This is very hard because people always say "you're too young to think about that" well guess what, I'm not. It can happen any day, anywhere. I can cross the street, get hit by a car and die. I can die in my sleep. Whatever, it could happen any minute. I hope it doesn't happen but unfortunately we can't predict those things. I have a couple of songs that I want to play at my funeral. Better said; that I want the stereo to play at my funeral. I think it's important what songs you choose. They should say something about you and how you lived your life and how you felt about the people around you. It may be your last chance to say "thank you" to all the people there or to say "I love you" to your family and friends. This is the song that is going to be played for sure. This will be my final thank you to everyone there. 

dinsdag 26 maart 2013

Ssssh zwijg.

De turken willen niet dat Turkse kinderen opgevangen worden in pleeggezinnen die bestaan uit 2 mannen of 2 vrouwen. Daar zijn we deze week helemaal kapot mee gegooid. Ik vond dat het wel tijd was dat ik mijn mening even liet blijken, gezien er nu geen grenzen meer zijn.

Het zit zo; als je het met 1 ding niet eens bent, wat over buitenlanders gaat, ben je een racist. Ik ben geen fucking racist, ik vind het alleen fucking ONZIN dat Turkse kinderen niet opgevangen "mogen" worden door homosexuele koppels. Hoeveel Turkse pleeggezinnen zijn er? Ik ken er geen. Ik ken ook geen mensen die er kennen. En als jij gewoon goed voor je Turkse kind zorgt dan hoeft JOUW Turkse kind niet naar een pleeggezin.

Homosexuele koppels zijn onwijs goed voor hun kinderen en zullen ze niet beperken zoals sommige geloven misschien wel doen. Misschien helpt dat die kinderen wel, zo krijgen ze een realistischer beeld van hoe de wereld werkelijk in elkaar zit buiten het geloof. Verder is homoseksualiteit ook niet besmettelijk. Jouw kind heeft nog steeds alle keuzes en opties.

woensdag 20 maart 2013

So so so serious

I'm going to write a serious blog today, don't be shocked. It's about why I like the photographer Martin Parr.

In school we take this class which is basically Photography History. Martin Parr is one of the men we spoke about last tuesday. Martin Parr is british documentary photographer. He's also a photojournalist and a photobook collector.

I was attracted to his work immediately. Mostly his early work. I like it because it's realistic. We notice things he photographs daily but we don't really see it. We see it as something normal, something ordinary. Martin Parr combines his work with humor, which I think is great. Nowadays we have this stereotype of a "beautiful picture" and Martin dares to use other frames. He doesn't romanticize things, he shows them the way they are. At the beginning of his carreer he had this positive outlook on the world, which wasn't very realistic. Later on he sees that things aren't as beautiful and pretty as they look. Martin also likes contrast in his pictures.

Martin Parr is a very social person. Unique and yet he seems to be able to make a connection with everyone. He could probably have a conversation with a brick if he wanted to.

Google his name and look at the images. You can also visit his website; http://www.martinparr.com/

zaterdag 16 maart 2013


Het huwelijk. Iets wat voor mij niets betekend maar voor vele anderen wel. Daarom wil ik jullie laten weten waarom het niets voor mij betekend.

Al die meisjes die spontaan gaan kwijlen als ze een bruiloft op TV zien, ik snap dat niet. Als je kinderen hebt is het inderdaad handig om te trouwen, maar als je die niet hebt snap ik het niet zo goed. Het enige wat anders is, is dat je een ring hebt. Kan je elkaar niet eeuwig trouw zijn zonder een ring om te hebben? Sowieso komt het tegenwoordig vaker voor dat mensen elkaar niet meer trouw zijn, zelfs al hebben ze een ring om hun vinger. Die ring zegt niets. Het zegt niet hoeveel je van iemand houdt of dat je voor altijd bij diegene gaat blijven. Zo'n grote jurk, de taart, al die rotzooi, waarom? Het hoort er om te gaan dat je elkaar eeuwige trouw beloofd, "tot de dood ons scheidt" en al die rotzooi. Niet om welke variatie op wit je jurk is, niet om wat de vulling van je taart is en ook niet om hoe groot de diamant op de ring is. Een feest is het enige wat mij leuk zou lijken, mocht ik ooit in de buurt komen van trouwen. Maar dan moet de man waarmee ik ga trouwen wel onwijs goed kunnen lullen, wiltie mij om krijgen.

Maar goed, zolang mensen om mij heen blijven trouwen vind ik het niet erg om alle taart, hapjes en drankjes tot me te nemen. Bedankt voor het betalen van het eten dat mijn maag gaat vullen, voor gratis.

Nee nein no stop plz

NEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ik heb er een schijthekel aan als mensen Engelse woorden niet goed uitspreken. Zoals "Primark", het moet uitgesproken worden als praaimark. Het is een Engelse keten. Hoe hoor je iedereen het zeggen "priemarkt" NEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! NEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE VERDWIJN. DOE IETS MAAR NIET DAT. WEG. KSST. UIT MIJN OGEN, UIT MIJN SOCIAL MEDIA,VERDWIJN! Stahp please. Just don't. Zo is het wel duidelijk toch???

Maaaar........ waar ik ook een hekel aan heb is als brabo's en limburgers en nog meer van die soorten in hun dialect op Facebook gaan zitten typen. Rot op, doe dat in je eigen tijd. Als het nou Belgisch, Duits, Frans of Engels is, is dat OK. Maar als het Fries, Gronings, Weetikveelwats, Limburgs of Brabants is; stop. Niet doen. Gewoon niet. Het is bloed irritant als je zo'n hele conversatie ziet. Typ gewoon Nederlands en niet zo achterlijk. "Ben trots op me dialect" slaat nergens op WANT DE GEWONE MENSEN VERSTAAN JE NIET DIE BEGRIJPEN NIET WAT JE ZEGT, OKE????????????????????????

Dialecten zijn er zodat je makkelijk kan communiceren met de bakker om de hoek of met de boerin aan het einde van de derde straat links. Dialecten zijn er niet om op social media een hele discussie of een gesprek in te voeren. Hou het bij je in de achtertuin. Bij je in de boerderij. Bij je in de bakker. Bij je in het weiland. Bij je in de vlaaierie. Bij je tussen de koeienstront en kaplaarzen.

zondag 10 maart 2013

day 19 & 20

Day 19: A song from your favorite album 

My favorite album is Ragged Glory by Neil Young & Crazy Horse. I'm in love with it. So Neil Young & Crazy Horse working together on a new record was the best news EVER for me. And the records have come out and they are awesome as fuck. I'm also seeing them in June, I CAN NOT WAIT. Deciding what my favorite song is from this album is hard, but I did it. This song is so good, just so good because I can relate. WHY DO I KEEP FUCKING UP???????? 

Day 20: A song that you listen to when you’re angry 

I have one song I listen to when I'm really really REALLY angry and listening to it really helps. I don't know why it helps but it just does.

Day 17 & 18

Day 17: A song that you hear often on the radio

I don't listen to the radio very often but when I do this song comes on pretty often. I love it because it's my favorite band. Whenever I hear just the beginning of this song I get goosebumps all over and the need to turn the volume up gets really big. This song is from their latest album; Wasting Lights. It's one of my favorite songs on it, though I like Arlandria more. The video for this song is hilarious, just like almost every other music video they have. Enjoy! Oh and I couldn't find the music video for it so here's a live version.

Day 18: A song that you wish you heard on the radio

I miss a lot of songs on the radio. They don't play good music these. Well, sometimes they do  but not all the frickin time. I wish I heard this song on the radio because I just think it's a great song. I love the band and this song is just great. Here it is;

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Day 15 & 16

If you've missed out on the others you can find 'em here; Day 1 & 2!! - Day 3 & 4!! - Day 5 & 6!! - Day 7 & 8 - Day 9 & 10 - Day 11 & 12 - Day 13 & 14 <<<<<<<<<<

Day 15: A song that describes you.

I found this one very hard to answer with a song because I don't think there's any song that exactly describes me. But this one is quite close to describing me. Mainly because I will do a lot for you if I care about you but don't EVER hold me down. If you respect me, I respect you. If it's mutual and I can count you as a friend I will do my best to cheer you up, to make your day.

Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate.

I didn't really remember a band that I used to love but now hate.. So I'm just going to post a band that I used to listen to a lot but don't really listen to anymore. I don't hate them, I still quite like their songs but the music I listen to now is better and I want to focus on them and spend my time on them.

day 13 & 14

Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure.

This one is guilty because.. it's the Backstreet Boys. And I'm already 21.. I never really liked their songs except for this one. It makes me scream along so passionately even my cats get scared and run away. I like to dance to it. I can't dance but neither can they. I like to pretend I can dance though. With all that typical boy/girlband choreography. 

Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love.

'LOVE' is an understatement. If I could marry this song I'd do it. I like Neil Young, the Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Racoon, Biffy Clyro, Gavin DeGraw, Jack White, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Rory Gallagher and more music but they never expected me to love this. Truth is, I must listen to this song at least once a day or I won't remember the day. Although this song was uploaded in August, I just discovered it because all of a sudden it exploded on the internet and radio so I had to look it up and fall in love with it myself. I hope you enjoy. I don't know how to pronounce his name though. Mackelmore, Macklemore.. So many people say it differently.

woensdag 6 maart 2013

day 11 & 12

Day 11: A song from your favorite band

So.. not artist.. band.. Nope, no Neil Young. Sorry! My favorite band is the Foo Fighters. So please, go ahead and pleasure your ears by listening to this song. I like it so much because.. Well. Just listen. Please. 

Day 12: A song from a band you hate 

I hate U2 and I don't like any songs so honestly I don't want to put on any song of them on here thank you bye 

day 9 & 10

Oops.. yesterday I had a long day of school and I fell asleep afterwards so I didn't post a song. Here's day 9 & 10 and afterwards there will be another blog post with day 11 & 12.

Day 09: A song that you can dance to
I can dance to so many songs, basically to any song. But this one doesn't really need explaining I guess. I think you all know this song and if you don't you've been living under a rock without internet connection and such.

Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep

This is so easy. It's anything by Coldplay. No, not a song named "anything" (I don't even know if there is a song of them named anything) but just anything by Coldplay. Because his voice is so boring. I'm not going to post a vid simply because I can't choose. I've seen them live, just as boring as on a cd or whatever. 

maandag 4 maart 2013

Day 7 & 8

This are getting pretty serious with me and this challenge. We're moving pretty fast and for once I don't mind. I'm putting my heart into this, I want to make it work. Ha. Ha. Ha. It almost seems like I know what the heck I'm talking about WELL I DON'T so I'mma cut this bullshit out and just upload day 7 & 8.

Day 07: A song that reminds you of a certain event.

There is 1 song of one time in my life that immediately came to mind when I read this. I think some people who will read this will agree that it was one of the best moments in the history of.... the world. It's something from almost 2 years ago but whenever I think of it, it feels like it was yesterday. I waited for over 6 hours without peeing, eating or drinking just so I could stand front row (I wasn't even at the very front though..) to witness this performance from one of my favorite bands. I was going to see them for the first time. It already felt magic to me but when this happened it felt even more special and ugh my heart just I don't know alright just watch and listen or whatever the fuck you wanna do but it should at least feel a little special. If it doesn't then you suck.

Day 08: A song that you know all the words to

I know a lot of lyrics but I just chose this song in particular because it's an amazing song by an amazing band with an amazingly sexy singer. I like it acousticly but I mean this is just such a great song to sing along to and go fucking insane. I fucking love it. So here it is;

zondag 3 maart 2013

Day 5 & 6

If you want to read day 1&2 click here; 1 & 2 
If you want to read day 3&4 click here; 3 & 4

so today it's time for day 5 & 6. Of course I'm starting off with day 5.

Day 05: A song that reminds you of someone

THIS IS SO EASY I had this one in mind for days and I had to wait until I could post it AAAAAAAH. Okay so this song reminds me of my best friend Tessa. Since the episode of Community in which they talk about different timelines and you hear this song CONSTANTLY we can't help but scream it when we see each other. It's such a great song. A few weeks ago I went out with some people and I couldn't sing along to any of the songs AND THEN THIS ONE CAME ON AND I STARTED YELLING THE LYRICS. When Tessa & I went to Hot Chelle Rae in November 2011 we sat on the stage before the gig began and we just constantly yelled the lyrics. This song is so good. Here it is; 

Day 06: A song that reminds of you of somewhere
I think everyone should know this song and its video. It's hilarious. The song reminds me of a night at The Waterhole (cafe) in Amsterdam. Me and my friends went to a Boyce Avenue concert and afterwards we decided we should go to The Waterhole. I'd never been there but about 2 minutes after I walked in they played this song and I instantly liked the cafe. It's just very frustrating we don't have cafes like that where I love. So here's the song.

zaterdag 2 maart 2013

Days 3 & 4

Hiya, gonna do 2 days together again.

Day 03: A song that makes you happy.
This song makes me happy because it's fucking amazing. This version in particular. It represents growing up, it makes me feel quite old yet young. I have a thing for songs that sound even more impressing acousticly, and this is one of them. And try clapping along, it'll make you laugh because you'll probably fail the first couple of times (I did, so don't make me feel like a retard and say you had trouble too, thank you). Enjoy!

Day 04: A song that makes you sad.
This song makes me sad because I know what it feels like to lose someone you love so much. You want to keep them with you forever, but you can't. I lost my great-grandfather 4 years ago (although it feels like yesterday) and this song is so true. I would love to know what he'd think of me if he could see me now. What is his opinion on me, as a person, grown up. He never got to know me the way I am now and I can say that I've changed so much the last 4 years. I know he loved nature and birds so I would've loved to show him my pictures. I wish he was still with me. This song also makes me sad because the singer lost his parents and his life changed so much and they never got to see that. When all the others call their parents from China or whatever, he hasn't got his parents to call. I don't know how that feels but I can imagine it hurts pretty bad. So here it is.

vrijdag 1 maart 2013

day 1 & 2

Day 01: Your favorite song

My favorite song. This is a very hard thing to begin with although I'm pretty satisfied with my choice. My favorite song is Heart Of Gold by Neil Young. Why? Because it's simple, relatable, fragile & just very beautiful. As many of you know, Neil Young is my biggest hero. Neil Young is my idol, he's amazing. It may be one of his simplest songs but that is what makes it beautiful to me. He can do the  most amazing and complicated things but he can also do this and he dares to do this. When I hear the beginning of this song, it makes my heart melt. I just love it. I'm in love with a song and if I could I'd marry it. So here it is, enjoy. I hope you feel the same way about it as I do. Oh and I chose this video in particular because it reflects Neil's personality. He's got humor, he likes to socialize and he appreciates his audience.

Day 02: Your least favorite song

This one's even harder because I've got a lot of least favorite songs. Hah. But I think this is the one because I disguss the singer, her behaviour, her voice & her songs. So gross, ugh. I can't even handle talking about it. I'm not going to post the video, just a link to it because I don't want my blog to be infected by that ... thing... human.. something............ See who it is; Clicky - She once said she puts a lot of feelings into her songs. Wow. I am so overwhelmed by the emotions I get from this song. Sigh. Twat.

30 day song challenge

Hi, thanks to Chantal (who told me a friend of hers was doing this) I'm doing the 30 day song challenge. I must warn you: sometimes I get a little excited and do 2 days in 1. I'm going to start today. Here is the list of what you can expect the next 30 (or lesss.........) days;

Day 01: Your favorite song
Day 02: Your least favorite song
Day 03: A song that makes you happy
Day 04: A song that makes you sad
Day 05: A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06: A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07: A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08: A song that you know all the words to
Day 09: A song that you can dance to
Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11: A song from your favorite band
Day 12: A song from a band you hate
Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15: A song that describes you
Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17: A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18: A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19: A song from your favorite album
Day 20: A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21: A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22: A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23: A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24: A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25: A song that makes you laugh
Day 26: A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27: A song that you wish you could play
Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29: A song from your childhood
Day 30: Your favorite song at this time last year

In the next post you'll see the first 2, because I want to make a longer blogpost today.