maandag 4 maart 2013

Day 7 & 8

This are getting pretty serious with me and this challenge. We're moving pretty fast and for once I don't mind. I'm putting my heart into this, I want to make it work. Ha. Ha. Ha. It almost seems like I know what the heck I'm talking about WELL I DON'T so I'mma cut this bullshit out and just upload day 7 & 8.

Day 07: A song that reminds you of a certain event.

There is 1 song of one time in my life that immediately came to mind when I read this. I think some people who will read this will agree that it was one of the best moments in the history of.... the world. It's something from almost 2 years ago but whenever I think of it, it feels like it was yesterday. I waited for over 6 hours without peeing, eating or drinking just so I could stand front row (I wasn't even at the very front though..) to witness this performance from one of my favorite bands. I was going to see them for the first time. It already felt magic to me but when this happened it felt even more special and ugh my heart just I don't know alright just watch and listen or whatever the fuck you wanna do but it should at least feel a little special. If it doesn't then you suck.

Day 08: A song that you know all the words to

I know a lot of lyrics but I just chose this song in particular because it's an amazing song by an amazing band with an amazingly sexy singer. I like it acousticly but I mean this is just such a great song to sing along to and go fucking insane. I fucking love it. So here it is;

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