I haven't done this 30 day song challenge thingy in a couple of days.. Ok I admit it has been 2 weeks or so. My own laptop crashed so now I'm using the "family laptop". I had the song challenge all written out on my own laptop so I don't remember what songs I chose. Sometimes there are a lot of songs that I could use. Err I'm going to do 4 days in 1 today. Prepare. Ready? No? Fuck you then.
Day 21: A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Like I said, I could use a lot of songs for some days. This is one of those "days". But this is a song that makes me really happy right now. Whenever I listen to it I just cheer up. It's not even the lyrics, just the voice and the way it sounds all together. I hope it makes you happy too. If you're having a shit day; cheer the fuck up and listen to this;
Day 22: A song that you listen to when you’re sad
I listen to this song when I'm sad because it's a sad song. Sometimes you're so sad you don't even want to be cheered up or something.. you just want to be sad and cry. This song is beautiful. It's about leaving. Someone's leaving you and you don't really want that to happen. The 17th of March I was at a concert of this band and they played this live, but the singer changed it.. It was now about leaving as in dying.. Which made it even more real for me. I listen to this song when I miss my great-grandfather. Sometimes I have my moments of missing him really really badly and hearing this song live with the changed lyrics was quite hard.. yet really nice.
Day 23: A song that you want to play at your wedding
I don't really want to get married bye.
Day 24: A song that you want to play at your funeral
This is very hard because people always say "you're too young to think about that" well guess what, I'm not. It can happen any day, anywhere. I can cross the street, get hit by a car and die. I can die in my sleep. Whatever, it could happen any minute. I hope it doesn't happen but unfortunately we can't predict those things. I have a couple of songs that I want to play at my funeral. Better said; that I want the stereo to play at my funeral. I think it's important what songs you choose. They should say something about you and how you lived your life and how you felt about the people around you. It may be your last chance to say "thank you" to all the people there or to say "I love you" to your family and friends. This is the song that is going to be played for sure. This will be my final thank you to everyone there.