dinsdag 19 februari 2013


I'm done with people who don't stand up for themselves. I'm so through with it. Stand the fuck up for yourself. You're human, you've got rights, you've got a voice. Maybe not to a great crowd but you can make a difference in your own surroundings. If you're not satisfied with the way things are going, fucking say something and don't shut up when you get the chance to speak up. And even if you don't get a chance, create the chance. If you always settle for average you'll never be happy, you'll never get to say whatever the fuck you want. I'm done listening to you all complaining about how nothing is going to way you want it to go. Fucking DO SOMETHING GOD DAMMIT. There has got to be at least one thing you can change. Stop giving too many fucks about what people think about you and try to be comfortable with yourself first. Find out who you are and who you stand for, don't be afraid to show it. Don't go hide yourself because other people say whatever they think, SHOW what you're up to and what your plans are. Maybe you can make them change their opinion on things by showing them yours, how awesome would that be? Exactly, incredibly awesome. So why are you hiding behind someone elses views & opinions while you have the right to form your own? 

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