vrijdag 30 augustus 2013

Human Rights Tattoo

This is my Human Rights Tattoo. Here’s what that is: 
1 cm2 of your skin for Human Rights. To underline the importance of Human Rights, we are going to tattoo the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. All 6773 letters of it. On 6773 individuals worldwide. Get 1 tattoo of the 6773 letters and be part of it!

I was going to Lowlands 2 weeks ago and heard they were tattooing Human Rights Tattoos at the festival and I got one. It wasn’t a hard decision to make. I’ve been wanting one since the first time I heard of it. This is the letter L, from the word equal. The girl before me had an A, that’s how it works.

Why I did not have a doubt about getting it: I think Human Right are important. There should be no difference in the rights that women, men and children have. It should be HUMAN rights. Equality is powerful yet it’s almost nowhere to be seen. I think this is ridiculous. I complain a lot but I do actually realise I have a good life and it could be completely different if I just cross a border. Lately it’s been getting worse everywhere and I’m just really glad I have a current reminder of that I should be grateful for what I have but not forget what I can do for others. 

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