donderdag 9 mei 2013

Thank santa.

Alright, I admit it has been a while since I wrote a blog.Here's my unpopular opinion on a dumb comment; 3 women, who have been missing for a decade, were found in a house not very far from where they went missing. That's a long time. They were tied up with ropes and chains and every once in a while they were allowed to go outside. They got abused. They were pregnant 6 times, and only 1 baby actually made it out of the womans' belly. One out of 6. Do the math. So I was very relieved to hear this, even though I was a little too young to know about this 10 years ago. I was looking at the CNN website. People can leave comments there and one of the comments that pissed me of was: THANK GOD. PRAISE THE LORD. WHY???????????????????? Thank god for them going missing, being tortured and raped and then finally found 10 years later? If you believe in god you better fucking rethink, with all the shit that has been going on in this world, how can you still be that naive? Amanda Berry and the neighbour are the two heroes in this story. They made it happen, they got everything going. They made it possible for the women to be found, Amanda Berry was one of the women but she went apeshit in the house so the neighbour came to take a look and then he (and later Amanda) called the cops. I don't see any other, so called, god in this story, do you now? if you do; I don't give a shit. Your argument is invalid to me.

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