Off to the supermarket to get some drinks and candy. Also ended up buying gloves because it's so fucking cold outside. Back to the bus and off to the train station to meet up with Marloes, Krijnie and Anita! Marloes was already there when I arrived and a couple of minutes later Krijnie and Anita arrived also. We had fun immediately and drove about an hour to get to Hilversum where we also picked up Elvira! We went straight to the BNN studios where the That's Live (a dutch radio show on 3fm) session with Gavin Degraw was gonna be recorded. We got there and there were lots and lots of people but still we got upstairs first. Said hi to DJ, Eric Corton, that I didn't see in quite a while! The first 2 songs by Gavin (and Billy) were so good!! Gavins interview(s) were funny as heck. And the last 2 songs he played there were great also! I was already looking forward to the evening.
On our way to Amsterdam we went to eat at MacDonalds and ended up sitting there for about 2 hours. It was nice and warm and I loved the couch I had all for myself. We decided to go and dropped Elvira off at Amsterdam Central Station cause sadly she went home.. That was a bit of a bummer.
We continued our journey to the Melkweg where Gavin would perform that evening. We met up with a good friend of mine, Savannah! Once we got in we decided we were goign to stand on the stairs. There we would have space and we could sit whenever we felt like sitting. Dotan (a dutch singer/songwriter) was his support act and with 4 songs it was short but very good! Unfortunately I didn't make any photos because I wanted to enjoy the show and enjoying means singing along, dancing and making weird moves with my arms. My camera would probably fly across the room if I would've made photos.
Then something happened. Gavin's band came on stage and after them, there came Gavin. I mean, the show started so great right away and tbh it only got better as the show moved on. The songs are even better live and it's really worth your time and money to go see him. So go if you can. I'd even go another couple of times if I could. His band is so good, and so much fun to look at. Also very handsome so if you don't like their music you can also go and just watch them. No. I did not just say that. But really, I loved the sort of "jam introduction session" they did to introduce the band to us, the audience. And then................. NICK FROM NICK AND SIMON (the dutch know how fucking BAD THIS IS.) came on stage during the last fucking song that SHOULD HAVE BEEN a fucking party but WASN'T because of Nick.. NOT OVER YOU. I mean c'mon!!!!!!!! That can never be good. What a partypooper. Sheesh. But the rest of the concert was so super awesome and totally worth waiting in the cold. I just said that but I only had to wait for like half an hour. My absolute favorites were Run Every Time & Follow Through.
The show ended and we waited for Marloes, she was at the same venue but at another band. So we had to wait until that ended and it did in A FRICKIN HOUR AFTER GAVIN. When Marloes arrived we went outside and spotted Gavin's drummer, Ian, at the tourbus. We got to talk to him and we actually took a picture with him. I think mine are so cute. He's a really nice guy! He had to go into the tourbus and we went to the car. We needed drinks and food (candy.....) and continued our journey home! Again we had so much fun and actually my belly stilll aches from laughing so hard. Krijnie and Anita dared me to shut up for a couple of minutes but I couldn't do it. Once I got home I didn't go to bed right away even though I was very cold and tired. I had to tweet and facebook a little, and then I went to bed. Now I'm just very glad I still have my voice. I sang along so loudly and I danced a lot. I also clapped a lot (for about 20 minutes) and now my muscles hurt.
The pictures of Ian and me are up there on the side!
I had a blast, thanks to everyone that was there to make it even more awesome!!!
Lots & lots of love,
Jij komt me heeeeeel erg bekend voor :P Je lijkt op iemand van mijn oude school geloof ik, maar gok niet dat je dat bent xD Want jij bent ouder :P
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMaar; leuke foto's :D Die drummer was geniaal ja! De rest ook, daar niet van :)
Btw ik ben DeGrawCrush van Tumblr :)
Welke school zat je dan?! Ik ben 20, ik zat op het Gemini College in Ridderkerk! En erna 1 jaar op SPW op t Albeda College Slingeplein.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you :-D! En heel tof dat je hebt gekeken en gereageerd :-)
Oh haha Theresialyceum in Tilburg :) Dus nee, je bent het niet :P
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn heel graag gedaan hoor :)