Fabian, Alejandro, me & Daniel.

Anneke, Savannah, me & Tessa.
October 28, 2010.
My friend Tessa and I arrived at the Sugarfactory (venue, that is also part of de Melkweg). We thought we'd be the first one there because it was so early but we weren't. 2 very nice girls, Sharlynn & Malu were there before us. But that didn't matter, they were nice and also big fans of Boyce Avenue. Some other people joined us in waiting for the doors to open. As we sat there, Bruno Mars (who was performing in de Melkweg that night with Travis McCoy) came by and I wasn't really interested in taking a pic with him but I went anyway. No nerves what so ever, but then Boyce Avenue walked by and I just there like.. oh my.. that is.. that is.. oh my.. no way.. boyce avenue.. And I didn't even dare to walk up to them because I was quite nervous. Luckily my best friend Tessa took me with her and the funniest thing was: they actually recognized me. It's not that weird since I have a tattoo of the lyrics from their original song Dare To Believe and not that many people had that.. But still I thought that was very awesome. So I took pics with them twice and then we went inside the venue for the concert. Lemme tell you one thing: That was magical. Really. And that's where I fell in love with them for real.
May 4, 2011.
My second time Boyce Avenue, with Tessa, Malu & Sharlynn. While waiting outside, another girl, Iris, joined us. We had so much fun and what bonded us the most was our love for Boyce Avenue. And another girl, also named Michelle, also came to talk to us and she was really nice! Honestly, I can't remember that much about that concert.. Only that BA was there late because of a traffic jam.. But the support act they had was amazing. This was Nick Howard! He's aaaaaaaaamazing. Such a beautiful voice and really funny and nice. Every time he came outside he was like "hey guys" and we knew who he was but the other people just sat there with big imaginary questionmarks above their heads. His performance was great and his songs are soooooooo good!
November 16, 2011
Boyce Avenue for the third time. Anneke and Savannah were joining our group this time. They are very very VERY sweet girls. This was the best time I've had, waiting outside for a concert. We were standing in a circle, having fun, and then Boyce Avenue came by. Daniel immediately gave us all hugs and he thanked us for waiting because it was so cold. Of couse we were waiting for so long, we always stand front row and that won't change. We won't let that change, ever. Later, the support act Tyler Ward walked by and he was one of the people I've been waiting to see live for so long. But you know, the moment he walked by I was acting dumb again. I was talking to Iris' phone charger, I was actually saying "HELLO? HELLO?". Oops. A couple of hours later we went inside. Of course we stood front row, Anneke, Iris, me, Savannah (behind me), Tessa, Sharlynn & a friend of hers. Tyler Ward was quite good even though he laughed more than he played or sang. Boyce Avenue was really, really good this time. And it was lots of fun with all the girls. Afterwards Tessa, Savannah, Anneke, me & someone else got to meet BA backstage. As always, they were sweet and funny. Then we went outside again where I talked to Jason, their drummer, for a while. And I keep saying it; he was nice also. Dammit. All those guys are nice. Tessa and I went to our hotel (which was so darn cold man I could've rented a fridge and sleep in that better than in here) by taxi since Tessa almost couldn't walk anymore. Our room was small but it had a shower and beds. The next day Tessa went home early and Savannah, Anneke and I decided to meet up. We went shopping for a couple of ours and then Anneke and I had to go home also :-(. It were 2 amazing and fun days with lovely people.
I can't tell you how much I love Boyce Avenue because I love them so much it confuses me in thinking how much I love them. Ehh.. I don't even get that sentence. I met amazing people because of them and every time I go to their concert I have a great day. I have to thank them for all of that.
But they're not coming to Holland this year.. They put up their tour dates. Germany, Belgium, France, the UK.. No Holland in there. I will try if I can go see them elsewhere but it's so expensive. The tickets cost about 30 euros and getting there will at least cost me 50 euros and then I have to rent a hotelroom also. Which will cost me at least 80 euros. That just sucks. But I can't do anything about it.. I will love them anyway.
So thank you, Boyce Avenue and all the girls who make waiting for their concerts fun. You are amazing and so much fun. <3
Oeh jaloers :) Ik heb 2x gezien dat ze kwamen, maar toen was ik al te laat ;_; Volgende keer ga ik proberen het op tijd te weten :P