donderdag 23 mei 2013


OK.. In thirteen days you can find me standing front row at the Neil Young & Crazy Horse concert in the Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam. Yesterday my father texted me "In two weeks it'll be over already :(" so I thought what the fuck is he gonna die or some shit? But nope.. In 2 weeks it's the 5th of June. It made me go insane, realizing I'll be seeing my hero in 2 weeks. It's less than 2 weeks today so I ugh I don't know man I just can't wait anymore. I'm nervous, I'm excited, I'm kinda sad because time is going to fly by with such good music on the stage but I'm also very very happy about seeing him again.. The last time I saw him was June 7th, 2009. It was amazing, it was great, it was everything I expected. But you know what I'd like??? I'd like for Neil to just play in a pub or something. I guess that's never gonna happen.

Crazy Hors
e's guitarist said this might be their last worldtour ever. I don't think you want to know how upset I was. But then again, Neil is also getting older and he's just not healthy. Frank Sampedro said Neil's wrist is hurting and he has to tape it every time again. At first I was like "Oh well he has some worse healthproblems he'll get through this" but that was at a younger age.. And since he always plays guitar this might really, really be his last worldtour. If he continues to sometimes play in the USA I'll be saving up a shitload of money to go see him there because this can NOT, I repeat, NOT be the last time I see him.

(I really like his genre, it's a special one)

I start
ed googling for some setlists of this year of the Alchemy tour and I found different things. In Australia they played almost the samevery night. I like that setlist but after that I found a 'rehearsal setlist' and oh my gooooood my heart just skipped a beat. All of these old, quite unkown, songs are on it and some of them have been played live only three or four times. How awesome would it be for me, a 21-year old die hard Neil Young fan who wishes she was born at least fourty years ago so she could've witnessed some of Neil's awesomeness back then, to see and hear those songs live??? even though they might not get performed the way they used to back then, I'd love it. It could probably turn into one of the best nights ever if they play at least 5 songs from that setlist.. I could listen to this setlist for forever. And ever. Also forever.

ere's also a setlist that inludes mainly the more popular songs but it'd be fine if they played that you know because Sugar Mountain, Fucking Up & Ohio are on that setlist.. Ugh seriously I can't wait and I also do not WANT to wait. You never know what's gonna happen with Neil. Sometimes even Crazy Horse doesn't know which song they're going to play. I've been looking forward to this for so long and I know it's not gonna let me down, no matter what songs they play.

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