woensdag 11 januari 2012

An Idiot Abroad.

It has been a couple of days since I wrote a blog. I didn't know what to write about but now I know. I've been looking for the books by Karl Pilkington (An Idiot Abroad) for a while now and all of a sudden I remembered a website that probably sells the books. And I was right! I ordered 'An Idiot Abroad' and 'Happyslapped by a jellyfish'. That second title is the most awesome title in the entire world. I am looking forward to reading the books. Probably gonna laugh my ass off but reading this will be worth losing my ass.

A couple of months ago I saw a preview of 'An Idiot Abroad' while watching Discovery Channel. I thought 'this show is made for me to watch' and so it was. This 'idiot' is Karl Pilkington. And he's funny as heck. I'm really looking forward to see An Idiot Abroad 2: The Bucket List. It isn't on in Holland yet. That sucks and I hate watching online. One thing that is hilarious about this show also, is the laugh of Ricky Gervais. That man is a genius.

I haven't bought one single book in my entire life because I don't like reading. I don't think it's relaxing and I find it very difficult to concentrate on all these tiny letters. The reason why I bought these books is just because I'm becoming a fan of the Idiot, Karl Pilkington. I expect the books to be hilarious and I promise, I will read them more than once. They're coming in 3-4 days.. I hope 3. The sooner, the better.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Once you start reading you will love it I guess.. I do love to read! If I’m reading I’m not on this planet anymore and most of the time I just can’t stop.. I’m reading Twilight at the moment and I love it! I love the books way more than the movies and I can keep reading them over and over again.. I have a lot of books now and I think it’s really nice to read before I go to sleep.. It helps me getting tired, but on the other hand it keeps me out of my sleep ‘cause I can’t stop reading xD

    Xx <3

    1. Well I've been reading when I was 12 with the 'Hoe overleef ik...' books but I just quit reading cause I find it very annoying to concentrate on it!! I just can't haha. This book is full of humor and that's why I bought it. I think I'm going to find it very fun to read! :D At least I hope so hahaha

