I don't know. But the truth is, deep inside nobody knows. That's too deep for the bullshit I write. Enjoy.
zondag 30 juni 2013
We zijn nu aangekomen bij Juli, de zevende maand van de twaalf. Ik ben benieuwd, onwijs benieuwd. Is het gelukt? Is het gelukt met de bikinibodies? Is jullie 20 kilo er af? Vast niet. Voor het 21ste jaar op een rij verbaasd me dat weer niets. Voor degene waarbij het wel is gelukt: Gefeliciteerd. Niet alleen heb je doorzettingsvermogen maar je bent ook onwijs zeldzaam. Toe maar, pak dat chocolaatje waarnaar je zo verlangt hebt maar. HAHAHAAHAHA GRAPJE ZWAKTE MOMENT ZEKER? HAHAHA! HA! Nee oke.
Verder ben ik benieuwd naar wiens jaar het is. Jullie bleven roepen hoe tweeduizenddertien jullie jaar zou worden. Is het dat tot nu toe? Wie heeft de rechten van tweeduizenddertien gekocht? Wiens jaar is het nu eigenlijk?
Goed, voor mij is het in ieder geval redelijk tot nu toe. Verwachtingen had ik niet, inmiddels weet ik wel beter. Het is beter geen verwachtingen te hebben omdat je anders constant teleurgesteld en boos bent. De concerten die ik tot nu toe heb gezien waren goed. Het album van QotSA is goed. Dat is zo ongeveer het enige wat tot nu toe goed is gegaan. Al vanaf half vorige jaar lopen we ziekenhuis in, ziekenhuis uit, vaak voor mijn opa's en oma's. Dat is dit jaar totaal niet veranderd. Hartinfarct, onverwachte ernstige ziekte, het lijkt niet op te houden en alleen maar erger te worden. Ik moet voor 98% zeker van mijn opleiding af (nee, ik wil er niet over praten) en daarmee is een groot deel van mijn toekomst weg. Al ben ik "arrogant" genoeg om te zeggen dat ik er ook zonder die opleiding wel kan komen.
Waar het op neer komt is dat het afwachten is. Alleen maar afwachten. In de tussentijd kun je niets doen. Behalve genieten. Dus fuck dat dieet, tenzij je niet omhoog komt als je ligt. Ga lekker vreten, zoveel als je kan. Niemand is perfect, het is aan jou om je goed te voelen. Als jij denkt dat 't beter wordt als je afvalt is dat prima, misschien is dat ook wel zo. Maar het kan ook binnenin zitten. Dan maakt het niet uit hoe veel je afvalt. Dat strandweer zit er misschien wel helemaal niet in. En wat dan nog als het wel zo lekker wordt? Je wordt altijd beoordeeld, hoe slank of stevig je ook bent. Fuck "jouw" jaar, maak een ander zijn/haar jaar door iets onwijs tofs te doen voor diegene. Dan krijg je er vanzelf iets voor terug en leer je bovendien je echte vrienden kennen. Fairweather Friends, daar hadden(hebben) we er allemaal wel een paar van.
woensdag 19 juni 2013
MUMUMUMUSIIICCCCCCC (I hope you hear this as sort of a remix in ur head cos I do)
So umm lezdodis. Here are some songs I currently really love. You might know some of them and you probably love them. You should.
Starting off with Bastille - Bad Blood. What a fucking amazing song that is. Their entire album has been a blast to listen to for everyone. So have a listen & hear for yourself. Also listen to some more of their songs please, they deserve some more fame. And if you can go see them perform you really should go, it's a party.
Starting off with Bastille - Bad Blood. What a fucking amazing song that is. Their entire album has been a blast to listen to for everyone. So have a listen & hear for yourself. Also listen to some more of their songs please, they deserve some more fame. And if you can go see them perform you really should go, it's a party.
This band right here is Puggy. An amazing band I did not know before last sunday and I am quite embarrassed about that. Their live performance was amazing. I did not mind listening to them whilst waiting for Bastille.
1975- Chocolate. Of course everyone already knows this song is not about chocolate but about weed. I don't really care, it's quite funny. My good friend Charlotte sent me this song a few weeks ago and I fell in love. I have to listen to it at least 7 times a day. I like the singer's voice a lot.
Bastille - Of the night this one is. I heard it live, last sunday, and geez man what a party song that is. I already knew the song because of SNAP! so it was quite easy to sing along to too haha. But the audience jumped high and it looked like Bastille was really enjoying it all.
Stray cat strut. Oh heck fucking yes. The Stray Cats were an awesome band and this one never gets old baby.
This song fits to my life, kind of. I'd choose it as the anthem of my life so far. That's why I love Fairweather Friends by Queens of the Stone Age.
dinsdag 18 juni 2013
Yep.. You heard it & it's true. I know you're probably shocked, I'm sorry. I indeed went to the Pinkpop Festival last weekend. Me, on a festival. It happened, it just fucking happened. One of my very good friends, Sanne, won 2 tickets a week before the officiale sale of tickets started so then I knew I was going. The line-up was a little shit but hey, Queens of the Stone Age & Kings of Leon for free? That's fine with me.
Sanne, Tessa & I had been looking forward to this weekend for MONTHS so when it was almost time we got a little over-excited sometimes. About three weeks before Pinkpop we heard that this band Grouplove wasn't coming. I did not give a flying fuck. But then we heard Bastille was the replacement! FUCKING AWESOMESAUCE!!!!!! So you know, I hopped on train, overly excited and a little frustrated because of carrying my suitcase up and down the fucking stairs in every fucking train(station.. four of 'em). But then I arrived in Venray, where Sanne lives. We'd be staying there for a night and then we'd leave to her dad's house (our 'hotel') the next morning. Tessa arrived about half an hour after me and we went to Sanne's place to meet up with her crazy awesome cats who kept me awake pretty much all night (which I didn't mind bc they are awesome and funny).
Sooooooooooo the next morning we woke up quite early and packed eveything aaaaaaand got in the car. I'm going to skip everything and start with the festival; when we arrived I know Queens of the Stone Age were going to do a container session so we asked the guy there if we could get in too. He told us that we could only get in if there were spots left since it was for price winners & guestlist only. We waited til three pm and nothing happened because mr. Homme was still fucking sleeping. We were told to wait until 5 but nothing happened again 'cause mr. Homme was enjoying the Masters Of Reality performance on the other field. But then at 6 it finally happened, we got let in and saw QotSA up close. Well, only Josh Homme, Troy van Leeuwen & Dean Fertita. Which was good enough for me 'cause I got to look at Dean. Here's a pic;

It was so damn awesome to experience something so exclusive and awesome from up close. They played I Sat By The Ocean, My God Is The Sun & Go With The Flow. Then I ran outside and to the other field where they were going to perform. I stood 2nd row, which was good enough since I had perfect view (dean). Some assholes behind me thought it was necessary to high five each other in the face with a fist. I almost joined them because I was sick of those fucktards but I didn't 'cause I wanted to enjoy the show AND I DID. With some awesome friends of course. Couldn't have asked for better company!
After QotSA I met up with Sanne & Tessa again and we went home pretty quickly. Then we slept and had breakfast and blahblahblah and went to the festival again. I don't really remember anything from saturday so I have to look up which bands played.. I danced a lot that day. Oh yes, I didn't expect much from Passenger since he's all alone and acoustic and shit but he seriously entertained the entire fucking field. He was quite good, although I'd be pretty depessed if I listened to an entire album. We then went to see FUN. which was terrible. Only two or three songs were fun and the rest just didn't sound good. It didn't come together at all, it just sounded like a couple of individuals trying to play an instrument but they didn't really know how to make it sound good together. So that sucked. We stood front row at Thirty Seconds to Mars which was fun. But then Kings Of Leon came on and I fucking loved their music. They didn't interact much with the audience, which was a bit of a let down, but Caleb said he didn't have anything to say so that's alright with me.
Theeeeen we went home. Sanne has this thing in her car called a Parrot. Tessa didn't know what it was so she asked Sanne "what's that thing?" Sanne replied "A Parrot". And then Tessa said "parrot hilton" and we basically died and that was the beginning of a long and noisy drive. Sleep eat blabla SUNDAY TAHDAHHHHHHHH......
Tessa & I went into the tent (where Bastille was going to play) and found Puggy playing. They were so awesome, a pleasure to listen to. But of course we came for Bastille so when they came on I went a little apeshit and stuff. They were so damn good and perfect and I think Dan Smith has a really nice butt so he should pull up his pants a little more 'cause then I can confirm.
After that we decided to hang out on the grass for a little while (eventually we sat there for four hours). The Vaccines sounded shit, well the singer did. And Ben Howard was a little boring. I almost fell asleep four times. Forgive me, don't fucking judge me. We had a little eye-contact with the singer of the Stereophonics who was quite hot so we enjoyed that. Aaaaand then we got up to see Green Dayyyyy. The show was really awesome although I still don't like their music.
Pinkpop was amazing & i fucking loved it thanks to the presence of loads of awesome friends.
1. Queens of the Stone Age
2. Bastille3. Puggy
Sanne, Tessa & I had been looking forward to this weekend for MONTHS so when it was almost time we got a little over-excited sometimes. About three weeks before Pinkpop we heard that this band Grouplove wasn't coming. I did not give a flying fuck. But then we heard Bastille was the replacement! FUCKING AWESOMESAUCE!!!!!! So you know, I hopped on train, overly excited and a little frustrated because of carrying my suitcase up and down the fucking stairs in every fucking train(station.. four of 'em). But then I arrived in Venray, where Sanne lives. We'd be staying there for a night and then we'd leave to her dad's house (our 'hotel') the next morning. Tessa arrived about half an hour after me and we went to Sanne's place to meet up with her crazy awesome cats who kept me awake pretty much all night (which I didn't mind bc they are awesome and funny).
Sooooooooooo the next morning we woke up quite early and packed eveything aaaaaaand got in the car. I'm going to skip everything and start with the festival; when we arrived I know Queens of the Stone Age were going to do a container session so we asked the guy there if we could get in too. He told us that we could only get in if there were spots left since it was for price winners & guestlist only. We waited til three pm and nothing happened because mr. Homme was still fucking sleeping. We were told to wait until 5 but nothing happened again 'cause mr. Homme was enjoying the Masters Of Reality performance on the other field. But then at 6 it finally happened, we got let in and saw QotSA up close. Well, only Josh Homme, Troy van Leeuwen & Dean Fertita. Which was good enough for me 'cause I got to look at Dean. Here's a pic;

It was so damn awesome to experience something so exclusive and awesome from up close. They played I Sat By The Ocean, My God Is The Sun & Go With The Flow. Then I ran outside and to the other field where they were going to perform. I stood 2nd row, which was good enough since I had perfect view (dean). Some assholes behind me thought it was necessary to high five each other in the face with a fist. I almost joined them because I was sick of those fucktards but I didn't 'cause I wanted to enjoy the show AND I DID. With some awesome friends of course. Couldn't have asked for better company!
After QotSA I met up with Sanne & Tessa again and we went home pretty quickly. Then we slept and had breakfast and blahblahblah and went to the festival again. I don't really remember anything from saturday so I have to look up which bands played.. I danced a lot that day. Oh yes, I didn't expect much from Passenger since he's all alone and acoustic and shit but he seriously entertained the entire fucking field. He was quite good, although I'd be pretty depessed if I listened to an entire album. We then went to see FUN. which was terrible. Only two or three songs were fun and the rest just didn't sound good. It didn't come together at all, it just sounded like a couple of individuals trying to play an instrument but they didn't really know how to make it sound good together. So that sucked. We stood front row at Thirty Seconds to Mars which was fun. But then Kings Of Leon came on and I fucking loved their music. They didn't interact much with the audience, which was a bit of a let down, but Caleb said he didn't have anything to say so that's alright with me.
Theeeeen we went home. Sanne has this thing in her car called a Parrot. Tessa didn't know what it was so she asked Sanne "what's that thing?" Sanne replied "A Parrot". And then Tessa said "parrot hilton" and we basically died and that was the beginning of a long and noisy drive. Sleep eat blabla SUNDAY TAHDAHHHHHHHH......
Tessa & I went into the tent (where Bastille was going to play) and found Puggy playing. They were so awesome, a pleasure to listen to. But of course we came for Bastille so when they came on I went a little apeshit and stuff. They were so damn good and perfect and I think Dan Smith has a really nice butt so he should pull up his pants a little more 'cause then I can confirm.
After that we decided to hang out on the grass for a little while (eventually we sat there for four hours). The Vaccines sounded shit, well the singer did. And Ben Howard was a little boring. I almost fell asleep four times. Forgive me, don't fucking judge me. We had a little eye-contact with the singer of the Stereophonics who was quite hot so we enjoyed that. Aaaaand then we got up to see Green Dayyyyy. The show was really awesome although I still don't like their music.
Pinkpop was amazing & i fucking loved it thanks to the presence of loads of awesome friends.
1. Queens of the Stone Age
2. Bastille3. Puggy
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